{ "Description": "Domain ownership verification file for Microsoft 365 - place in the website root", "Domain": "ovffm.com", "Id": "d82c5a60-27ab-434a-a6ac-00636d3554f3" }
Sign-up for Ohio Valley Farm and Fiber Mill's newsletter to keep our community, customers and subscribers updated on our services, products, events and workshops.

Our newsletter just went out to every customer and subscriber. You can view the below topics that were included.

Future newsletters will be created around the specific topics our customers, community and subscribers want to hear from us about.

Don’t forget to choose which topics that interest you so you don’t miss out on future updates from us.

Choose the topics that interest you and you want to hear from us about.

We realize not every customer is on Social Media. That’s why we feel this update was important for us to make.

Our new newsletter allows our customers to choose which topics they want to hear from us about so we don’t overwhelm their inboxes.
Be sure to CLICK BELOW, update your information with us, and CHOOSE the TOPICS you want to hear more about.

We are now on Instagram.

We will begin sharing content to our customers on our new IG account this month. Click below to connect with us on Instagram.

Our new website is up.

Customers can now view our Fiber Processing Services and print off an ORDER FORM to include with each bag of fiber they’re sending to us, or dropping off for us to process.

Customers will soon be able to make purchases form our website, such as Fiber, Lamb Meat, and Tours to our Mill or Farm…just to name a few items.

In the future, customers will also be able to reserve a seat to our on-site Events and Workshops.

Click below to visit our new website!

Don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook.

We share content throughout each month with our customers on our Facebook page. Click below to connect with us there!

Our mission is simple, yet sincere; to create the best experience for our customers by providing quality products, with great service, and for the best prices.

As a small, family-owned farm and fiber mill, we appreciate each customer because each of their orders helps to support our family.

If you’re a small grower, we would appreciate the opportunity to participate in supporting your family as well by processing your fiber.  Contact us today!


To receive the content you want to receive from us.